
Local Celebrity – Joey Chezburgoni

A picture of Joey Chezburgoni, in the middle of the frozen landscape of Canada. He is obese and bald.

On March 23 today, local food reviewer came over to Burrigo and tried out some out some of our items! He is from America, so please, if you see him, do not overwhelm him with hard concepts like free healthcare, and decency. Don’t mind the photo, this is what he sent us during a drunken stroll through -1 C weather. Joey Chezburhgoni has made reviews on FireBeer, a Montreal bar, and BigBurrito, one of our competitors.

The event happened on the terrace since he can’t fit in the door.Chezburgoni came over to try out our Burgwrap, since he has been going around the world, and he decided to go to the closest country to his since he recently learned that the world is just the US. He was smiling, rubbing his shoes against the ground and being impressed as felt no stickiness on the floors. Already, first impressions were doing well. He asked for two Burgwraps to see how they were after all the talk he had heard about them. Joey also requested to review one of the employees to get a sense of what the workplace environment is like.

The following is what the chosen employee took down, Chandelle, during the interview. This is her report.

Chezburgoni Review

“So, miss Chandelle,” Chezburgoni said while inspecting the burrito, “What is it like working here?”.

“Well,” I replied, “I find it to be not bad of a job, the people here treat me with mutual respect… oh and I find it fun to work in the kitchen.”

He grunted as I watched him take a large bite out of the wrap. I could tell he liked it.

“Now tell me, since you like it here, can you say whether the products here are sourced from uhmm… here?”

“Yes, they are! All the ingredients inside our burritos, including the one you’re holding, are from local sources.”

“I think that will be it for the interview…”

“But wait, what about more of the interview!?!” I tried to convince him to continue but he seemed to be making a bee line towards his car.

Joey Chezburgoni left an 8 out of 10 star review, saying that he enjoyed the taste but didn’t like the lack of mayonnaise.

New Item

Coming Soon – The King and Upcoming Changes

A graphic of a new burrito, The King, with baked beans, and mayonnaise.

We have a new menu item coming up and a few welcome changes coming to our restaurants soon. Hold onto your seats because this is going to be an amazing announcement.

New Burrito

For the new burrito, prepare yourself for a gluttonous combination of flavors. The name coming to our menu… The King. A wrap inspired by the recent review given by Joey Chezburgoni.

Made with baked beans, tomatoes, lettuce, and mayonnaise.

We found that he was right on one thing, mayonnaise is not that present in our food. The Burgwrap doesn’t have much mayo in it, so this should compensate for everything else. We only put a small amount of mayonnaise in it because we saw how unhealthy it is, but it is very big across the industry, both as something to maybe dip your fries in, or slop a bucket (do not do this literally) of it on top of the lettuce.

Restaurant Changes

Onto our next announcement, we’ll be bringing some new changes to the restaurants, and we believe that they’ll be great for everyone.

We will be installing wi-fi in our places.
And the bathrooms will be revamped.

First things first, the wi-fi will be two separate sources, one for employees and another for customers. The one for customers will require a password displayed near the entrance. To ensure security, it will be changed day to day. For our employees, there will be a more private code for their own purposes. Now customers can give their children some Youtube to watch while they eat, and the employees can entertain themselves during their breaks.

On the other hand, the bathrooms will see a revamp in the future. Air dryers will be set up to avoid paper towel waste and the stalls will see an increase in size to allow for larger people. We received complaints as to how cramped they are, so we will be making them larger to give more to customer comfort. There will also be a disability bathroom.


Burrigo 5th Anniversary

An anniversary confetti sprouter. Colored in red and a dark green.

Burrigo’s 5th anniversary is coming up! We have been running strong for five years now, and we would like to celebrate with a big ol’ party. On April 30th, we will be hosting our special celebration in both of our restaurants. In the two, there will be a variety of games to play. Bean bag toss, and horseshoe throwing competitions will be held and the top three customers will receive rewards for Burrigo. There will also be discounts on select burritos.

1st place: 4 Burrigo scratch coupons, a sticker, and a $20 steam gift card (can be given cash reward if not a viable prize)
2nd place: 2 Burrigo scratch coupons, and a sticker
3rd place: 1 Burrigo scratch coupon

A big thanks for our anniversary

On this day our founder started to build his dream burrito business. This has been a great adventure and he is proud of how far everything has come since 2018. Since then, a second restaurant opened, and the menu roster has expanded since then. Nowadays, we continue to strive on, coming up with new recipes and concoctions to make our list of nourishment increase even further, and improve the burrito experience.

We would like to thank all our customers for supporting us through our struggles and accomplishments over the years. The most trying time being the rise of the Coronavirus. It raged across Canada, spreading over everything from essential services to small businesses like us. We had to temporarily shut down during the start, but we did re-open once the coast was clear. Safety measures were taken as a result of the disease being caught by some of our employees during the shutdown period, this was to protect both our employees and the customers.

Without further ado, the anniversary celebration will commence on April 30th, we hope that everyone will have a chance to have some fun and enjoy a good burrito.
-Sincerely, the Burrigo team.