New Item

Coming Soon – The King and Upcoming Changes

A graphic of a new burrito, The King, with baked beans, and mayonnaise.

We have a new menu item coming up and a few welcome changes coming to our restaurants soon. Hold onto your seats because this is going to be an amazing announcement.

New Burrito

For the new burrito, prepare yourself for a gluttonous combination of flavors. The name coming to our menu… The King. A wrap inspired by the recent review given by Joey Chezburgoni.

Made with baked beans, tomatoes, lettuce, and mayonnaise.

We found that he was right on one thing, mayonnaise is not that present in our food. The Burgwrap doesn’t have much mayo in it, so this should compensate for everything else. We only put a small amount of mayonnaise in it because we saw how unhealthy it is, but it is very big across the industry, both as something to maybe dip your fries in, or slop a bucket (do not do this literally) of it on top of the lettuce.

Restaurant Changes

Onto our next announcement, we’ll be bringing some new changes to the restaurants, and we believe that they’ll be great for everyone.

We will be installing wi-fi in our places.
And the bathrooms will be revamped.

First things first, the wi-fi will be two separate sources, one for employees and another for customers. The one for customers will require a password displayed near the entrance. To ensure security, it will be changed day to day. For our employees, there will be a more private code for their own purposes. Now customers can give their children some Youtube to watch while they eat, and the employees can entertain themselves during their breaks.

On the other hand, the bathrooms will see a revamp in the future. Air dryers will be set up to avoid paper towel waste and the stalls will see an increase in size to allow for larger people. We received complaints as to how cramped they are, so we will be making them larger to give more to customer comfort. There will also be a disability bathroom.